Category: Ongekategoriseer
Marshall Islands Economic Substance Regulations (ESR)

You might receive this email for additional compliance: Dear Sir/Madam, Re: ***REDACTED***, ESR Report Confirmation Number ***REDACTED*** Regarding the above referenced ESR Report submitted ***REDACTED***, further information is required to complete our standard due diligence process. Potential false positive matches have been discovered for the individual: ***REDACTED*** These potential false positive matches are persons or entities subject to current national and international trade restrictions or otherwise ineligible to receive services. In order to ensure proper due diligence and observance of trade restrictions, the following must be provided for the individual listed above before the Certificate of Economic Substance Reporting Compliance ... Read more
Bangladesj sluit aan by die Haagse Apostille-konvensie

Vanaf 30/MAR/2025 sal Bangladesj apostille kan uitreik en aanvaar! Bangladesj is die tweede grootste ekonomie in Suid-Asië na Indië.
Kom ons praat oor Delaware (vanaf 2024): 3 Mites om te ontken

Die bemarking oor Delaware is baie sterk aanlyn. Dit is veronderstel om Amerika se eerste korporatiewe staat te wees, waar al die Google en Microsoft van hierdie wêreld geïnkorporeer is. So wanneer jy dokumente nodig het, kan jy dit vinnig en aanlyn kry?… Verkeerd. Mite #1: all documents are available quickly online When you order any documents by post, you could get (at least?) a copy online: wrong… You do not get anything by email, not even an email confirmation when they are shipped. But there is worse. Mite #2: when you order documents, you get a status update by email or by ... Read more
Hoe die EU die Britse Maagde-eilande vermoor het (BVI)
Sedert 2019 die Britse Maagde-eilande (BVI) het die ekonomiese substansie aangeneem (DIT IS) regulasies onder druk van die Europese Unie (EU). Hulle is van toepassing op sommige spesifieke aktiwiteite (Die “Relevante aktiwiteite”) waarvoor die meeste mense die BVI sou gebruik (Dws: Beheermaatskappye). Enige maatskappy of beperkte vennootskap moet wys dat óf: it has an economic substance in the BVI (Dws: local employees and/or local managers) or it is tax residence somewhere else than the BVI. It would make no sense (at least to most people) to hire local employees just for the sole purpose of creating an economic substance ... Read more
UK's Companies House om fooie met 3.5
Die Verenigde Koninkryk (VK) maatskappye registrateur Companies House sal hul fooie vermenigvuldig met 'n gemiddeld van 3.5 vanaf 1 Mei 2024, as gevolg van die ekonomiese misdaad en korporatiewe deursigtigheid (ECCT) daad.
PROMINEE® is verbode in Rusland
'n Formele e-pos is ontvang van die Russiese Federale Diens vir Toesig op die Gebied van Telekommunikasie, Inligtingstegnologieë en massakommunikasie (ROSKOMNADZOR) dat ons PROMINEE-webwerf® van Rusland geblokkeer is. 'n Verwysing na die beslissing van die Kungur-stadshof (Perm Gebied) Nee. 2A-3556/2023 gedateer 2023-12-25 (op Kersdag?!) has been made but the decision is nowhere to be found ('n Skynprivaatnetwerk in Rusland is nodig om die hof se webwerf te sien). Hoekom? Sonder toegang tot die hofbeslissing, 'n mens kan net raai dat dit kan wees omdat PROMINEE® verbonde is aan 'n maatskappy wat in die VSA geregistreer is, which ... Read more
'n Geval voorbeeld: 'n onwettige trust in Belize
Soms kan die mees basiese regstruktuur heeltemal verdorwe word om iets onwettigs te word. Neem byvoorbeeld hierdie getroude Britse paartjie wat 'n trust in Belize wil skep. Hulle het 'n gelisensieerde plaaslike agent gekontak, en 'n stewige fooi betaal om 'n Trust te skep (7x keer duurder as PROMINEE®). Tydens die opsteltyd van die trustakte: the spouses expressed their wish to be able to contribute to the Trust. The licensed local agent in Belize created a chimera: a Trust with 2x Settlors/Grantors! Not only that but they never sent out the signed Deed to their own customers. For those unaware ... Read more
'n Geval voorbeeld: van Nevis tot ons Trust
Twenty years ago, a Nevis LLC was incorporated and kept all those years until the agent became stupid/greedy/absurd. While the Nevis agent cannot be named, the limit was reached when the agent added this service: Discard all mail received, at a fee of $100 per annum This agent charges US$1,000 for a Nevis LLC incorporation, then US$700 per year for the maintenance, plus an extra US$100 per year just to throw mail in the trash… By switching to our Trust service, the customer paid £350 GBP for the first year, and will pay £150 GBP per year for the subsequent ... Read more
'n Geval voorbeeld: 'n beleggingsmaatskappy
Soortgelyk aan 'n beheermaatskappy: 'n beleggingsmaatskappy kan 'n makelaarrekening oopmaak en in die aandelemarkte regoor die wêreld begin belê. As jy in 'n land is wat beleggingsbeperkings het (ekonomiese patriotisme), of waarin die jaarlikse bestuur duur en lastig is: jy kan dit uitkontrakteer en in 'n ander land organiseer. The implementation requires two legal entities: a trust and a company (acting as a trustee). The trust will shield away your ownership while still granting you full control over the assets. The trustee company will give you the flexibility and a bundle of two Nominee Shareholders: ... Read more
'n Geval voorbeeld: 'n beheermaatskappy
Die uiteindelike doel van 'n entrepreneur is om sy eie maatskappy te verkoop: dit dui dikwels op 'n leeftydprestasie en die potensiële vermoë om met 'n enkelbedrag kontant af te tree. Van 'n entrepreneur kan jy 'n belegger word (nog 'n wonderlike volgende stap). There is no other way than using a holding company to maximize the future investing ability. There are so many great things you can do with a holding company: it gives you more options. Let’s say that you want to change the ownership of the company owned by the holding company, but to do this you have to: go ... Read more