لنتحدث عن ولاية ديلاوير (اعتبارا من 2024): 3 أساطير لفضحها

التسويق حول ولاية ديلاوير قوي جدا عبر الإنترنت. من المفترض أن تكون أول دولة في أمريكا, حيث يتم دمج كل Google و Microsoft في هذا العالم. لذلك عندما تحتاج إلى مستندات ، يمكنك الحصول عليها بسرعة وعبر الإنترنت?… خطأ.
اسطوره #1: all documents are available quickly online
When you order any documents by post, you could get (at least?) a copy online: wrong… You do not get anything by email, not even an email confirmation when they are shipped. But there is worse.
اسطوره #2: when you order documents, you get a status update by email or by phone
Wrong again: you get absolutely nothing from the Delaware Division of Corporations… You just place an order, and you have to call them, or engage them online via chat for an update about your order. So the “first state” (they call themselves that way) is unable to even send you an email… and you have to chase them.
اسطوره #3: you need Delaware to remain anonymous
No, you can register in any other US state offering anonymity, which is not only Delaware.
All those three myths are three good reasons to avoid Delaware altogether, also because Delaware is expensive and you have better.