Autor: Prominee

Marshalli Saarte Vabariik (RMI) ja nende suverään

Kuigi selle ajaveebi huvides pole rääkida digitaalsetest valuutadest, huvi pakub Marshalli Saarte Vabariik (kuna see on suur jurisdiktsioon, millega liituda). Sel aastal võttis riik vastu: Suveräänsete valuutade seaduse deklareerimine ja väljastamine 2018. Uurimise tulemused: It appears that the President of the Marshall Islands (Hilda Heine) has (unfortunately) been convinced by an Israëli startup (Neema) that the project was a way to get US$30 million into the country’s budget ; With 12 million of the new currency units kept by the government, and distributed ... Read more

Komoorid: Anjouanil ja Mwalil EI OLE finantsteenuseid

There was a time when Anjouan had a (Ajutine) finantsturg (läinud sellest ajast peale 2005). Teine on endiselt võrgus: called the MISA (Mwali rahvusvaheline teenindusamet). Veebisait ja seadused on inglise keeles: whereas the official language of the country is French. This Authority is completely fake, ja on seotud Mohéli saarega. Everything is fake, including this fake bank. Hoiatus on avaldatud alates aprillist 2014 by the Central Bank of the Comoros (kuigi ainult prantsuse keeles). Litsentseeritud pankade nimekiri on siin: on ainult 4 Pangad riigis. On isegi ... Read more

Kuidas Trump mõjutab USA üksusi mitte-USA elanike jaoks?

Mida teevad LLC-d, Elukestva õppe programmid, S-kere, ja partnerlussuhetel on ühist? Nad kõik on läbivad üksused (lihtsalt: ei kuulu ettevõtte maksustamisele). Uue Trumpi maksuettepaneku alusel, läbipääsuüksuste staatus tühistatakse ja maksustatakse a 15% föderaalne maksumäär. Such plan will immediately transform all LLCs in the US into a corporation, as federal corporate tax is concerned. This however is to be compensated by switching the US to a territorial tax system. First of all: at the time of writing, these proposals have not been approved nor been passed as a law yet. It ... Read more

Belize IBC: fee increase from US$100 to US$200 since 1st April 2016

Belize started as a low cost jurisdiction in a highly international competitive market: the market of incorporating companies. This is one of those bad April fools. According to Belize Statutory Instrument No. 11 kohta 2016 – International Business Companies (Fees) Regulations 2016, the licence fee of Belize International Business Companies (IBCs) has been increased from US$100 to US$200.

3 months to process corporate documents in Delaware

The State of Delaware makes US$16 billion out of corporate fees alone (2015 report). This is the GDP of Malta or Iceland. Despite this, it took them 3 months to process a regular corporate document sent to the Division of Corporations: from October 2016 to January 2017. If you want a faster proceeding you have to pay an extra US$100 for the 24-hour expedited service (on the top of the US$200 for the filling). For that price you have a new company in Wyoming. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to send your documents by post to the Delaware Division of Corporation, or use ... Read more

Belize contradicts itself and is stuck in 1985

Most IBCs in Belize are probably illegal because of this: §73.(4) A company incorporated under this Act shall have a common seal and an imprint thereof shall be kept at the registered office of the company. (5) A company that wilfully contravenes this section is liable to a penalty of $25 for each day or part thereof during which the contravention continues, and a director who knowingly permits the contravention is liable to a like penalty. Source: Belize IBC Act. The United Kingdom abolished the practice of mandatory use of company common seals since 1985Strangely enough, in their LLC ... Read more

The Seychelles IBCs are less attractive

It is a classic in philosophy, and even in some religious texts: “your biggest enemy is yourself“. For that matter the Seychelles fell on its own on the 26th July, 2016, in force since the 1st of November, 2016: Section 119 of the Act requires that: an IBC to make an annual declaration that the IBC is keeping accounting records in accordance with the Act and that such records can be made available through its registered agent. Section 119 of the Act requires thatevery IBC to furnish a return (either in original or scanned copies) in the form of a declaration ... Read more

The British Virgin Islands (BVI) is a backward jurisdiction

It is sad to see that in the British Virgin Islands (BVI) you cannot search online for a company nameFor this privilege you have to fill a form & pay US$30, send it by snail mail or email and wait for the answer backWhere are we? In this day & age when information is acquired very fast: you will spend less time acquiring knowledge about superconductivity than getting information on a company on the register in the BVI. The BVI Finance Services Commission (BVIFSC), despite having US$2.8 million in surplus (2014 report), is not even able to put ... Read more

Botwana IFSC on surnud, tere tulemast BITC & NBFIRA

The Botswana IFSC set up-up in 2003 is dead, today only a 5 pages website with completely outdated information is up. The IFSC death was already announced back in 2010 because South Africa restricted inward investments and is already a developed financial centre. The agencies that took over arethe BITC (Botwana Investment & Trade Centre) for normal trading businesses, and the NBFIRA (Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority) for the Financial services like stockbrokers, funds, & (re)insurances. The IFSC laws were guaranteed until 2020 anyway, so with 3 little years to go, probably no more companies will be attracted. Neighbors such as ... Read more

iCommerceRegistry Gambiast: meil oli õigus

Tagasi sees 2014 meie (vabalt) advised to stay away from the iCommerceRegistry of the Gambia. Veebisait on endiselt võrgus, kuid sisu on kadunud ainult selle punase sõnumiga: “Praeguste tehniliste kohustuste tõttu ei saa iCommerceRegistry praegu vastu võtta uusi agente“. Augustis 2016: Streber published an announcement from the Ministry of Justice of the Gambia confirming the illegitimate operation (this press release is a dead link today). iCommerceRegistry seiklus kestis 2 aastat (väga lühike!). Tõenäoliselt juhtus nii (mis on levinud kogu Aafrikas): võib-olla oli tegevuse algus legitiimne, aga Gambia (korrumpeerunud) ... Read more