Rubriik: Kategooriata
Juhtumi näide: seadusest tulenev nõue
The most common use case of our services is to meet a statutory requirement for a specific legal form (this sentence seems so general, but if you want an explanation keep reading). Let’s say that you want to incorporate or create an association. The legal requirement in your country for this type of company is to have 2 persons, but you are alone. You do not want to involve family member, or you are scared of potential problems in the future, or trusting someone newly met makes you feel uncomfortable. Whatever it is: the fact is that you are alone ... Read more
PROMINEE® ülevaated
From time to time: new customers ask or search for any reviews of PROMINEE®, but they cannot find any. Unfortunately for those new customers, they forget that PROMINEE® is exactly like the provided services: discreet. This leads to the second point: positive feedback is received from happy customers, but if their names cannot be published, what value or authority do they have to others?… Third point: publishing reviews of customers on the website with changed names defeats the purpose, in all cases the reviews are meaningless. In the next few months: some case examples of problems and their solutions will ... Read more
Dominica rahvusvahelised äriettevõtted (IBC) on nüüdseks tühistatud
See on läbi! Dominica rahvusvaheliste äriettevõtete režiim kaotatakse ametlikult alates 1. jaanuarist 2022. Nendel ettevõtetel on võimalus end kohalikuks ettevõtteks uuesti registreerida (tähtaeg oli 31 detsembril 2021) and be subject to the Dominica’s local 25% ettevõtte tulumaks. Seetõttu on kõik kohalikud agendid tegevuse lõpetanud. Ainus võimalus on kogu vara esimesel võimalusel teisele ettevõttele üle anda. You can contact us if you need it. Dominica on õpikujuhtum ebastabiilse jurisdiktsiooni tõusu ja languse kohta. It has been reported previously that the ... Read more
Iga-aastase hooldustasu suurendamine Marshalli saartel
Jõustub 1. aprillil 2020: iga-aastane hooldustasu tõuseb 450 USA dollarilt 500 USA dollarini kõigi ettevõtete ja IBC-de puhul. Partnerlus ja välismaine merendusüksus (FME) ei muutu. See kasv on tingitud Euroopa Liidu poolt Marshalli saartele surutud majandusliku sisu määruste järgimise kuludest. Suveräänsusest rääkimine: ärge imestage, et Brexit juhtus. Lõppude lõpuks ei ole Marshalli saared ELis, nii et neil on lihtne kõndida. See oli juba kirjutatud: artiklit 4(2) kohaselt austab Euroopa Liidu leping ainult teisi liikmesriike. Let’s send a big thank ... Read more
Dominica reedab investoreid ja kaotab 20 aastat maksuvabastust
Under the pressure of the OCED and the EU: Dominica abolishes the previously granted 20 years tax exemption to all IBCs. Taxation rate will now be 30% of worldwide profits starting on the 1st January 2022. Full legal reference: Rahvusvahelised äriettevõtted (Amendment) seadus, 2019, TEGUTSEMINE 2 kohta 2019 Business Companies (Amendment) Act 2019.pdf
The Corporate Transparency Act of 2019, or the end of Anonymous LLCs and Anonymous Corporations in the USA
On its way to the US Senate, this bill (H.R. 2513) will make mandatory the disclosure of beneficial owner(s) of any LLC or Corporation: anybody with more than 25% ownership. Annual reports will be made to FinCEN. The disclosed information will not be publicly available. The data to be disclosed will be: the full legal name ; the date of birth ; the current residential address ; and the current valid passport number (or valid US state driver license number). Exempted entities are: insurances, banks, any SEC regulated entities, churches, or 501(c) non-profit entities. View the full legal text for ... Read more
Kuidas põgeneda või vältida uut majanduslikku ainet (ON) seadused või määrused
The worldwide industry of non-resident, low tax or tax neutral companies is panicking: all the big accounting firms (Deloitte, Ernest and Young, KMPG, and PWC) have been overwhelmed by a wave of recent legislation adopted by many jurisdictions at once. The call (shot?) has been made by the European Commission in Brussels regarding the non-cooperative tax jurisdictions. Some people will believe that it targets only small players, and others will believe that it only affects big players. In fact it is targeting every body. The biggest players affected are Chinese companies incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (BVI). Such companies ... Read more
Anguilla võttis vastu majanduslikku ainet käsitlevad eeskirjad
Anguilla has adopted Economic Substance regulations in a very detailed manner.
Marshalli saared võtsid vastu majanduslikku sisu käsitlevad eeskirjad
The Marshall Islands adopted Economic Substance Regulations applicable from the 1st January 2019. However it is interesting to note that: it applies strictly to relevant activities (distribution and service center business, financing and leasing business, headquarters business, holding company business, intellectual property business, shipping business, banking business, and insurance business) holding company business is defined as pure equity holding company a pure equity holding company is subject to a reduced economic substance test the entities must provide the relevant information if requested by the Registrar it seems to apply to Master Series LLC only (and not each Series) an entity ... Read more
After having attracted investors and companies : the Isle of Man decides to triple kick them out
Like their flag with three legs: the Isle of Man prepares to triple kick with sanctions all the investors or companies that do not pass their economic substance’s tests.