Tekijä: Prominee
Jersey drafts Economic Substance laws
Upcoming laws are to be adopted in Jersey regarding Economic Substance for companies.
Guernsey also adopted Economic Substance laws
Taking effect on the 1st January 2019: Guernsey adopted Economic Substance laws.
The Cayman Islands adopted Economic Substance Laws
Already in force: the Cayman Islands adopted laws & regulations regarding economic substance requirements.
Bermuda adopted an Economic Substance Regime
Bermuda is added to the list of jurisdictions adopting an Economic Substance Regime. Bermuda is used by numerous insurance companies (for example: AIA in Hong Kong) in order to lower the costs and avoid stamp duty on shares. Insurance companies already have on the ground staff in Bermuda so this should not be a problem for them.
The Bahamas adopted substantial economic presence requirements
The Bahamas follow many other jurisdictions by adopting substantial economic presence requirements: activities must be conducted from the Bahamas.
The British Virgin Islands (BVI) adopts economic substance requirements
The British Virgin Islands (BVI) adopts economic substance requirements applicable from 1 January 2019 (with a six-month transitional period for existing legal entities) if it conducts any of the following “relevant activities”: banking business insurance business fund management business finance and leasing business headquarters business shipping business holding business intellectual property business distribution and service centre business. If the economic substance fail, the BVI non-resident company needs to show that it is resident (and taxed) in another jurisdiction. Companies registered in the BVI are widely used in Hong Kong.
Mauritius is terminating its Global Business Companies (GBC)
Mauritius is phasing out their Global Business Companies (GBC) on the 30 June 2021. Only one single regime of GBC will survive, with 2 resident directors in Mauritius required, and a single 15% corporation tax rate.
Olemme edullinen palveluntarjoaja
Edullinen malli leviää monille markkinoille: Lentoyhtiöt, matkailu, valmistus, asunnot, rahoitus, jne… Oli aika, jolloin asiakkaat suhtautuivat epäilevästi halpalentoyhtiöihin (turvallisuus, luotettavuus, jne). Mutta vuosikymmenen kuluessa: Hinnat olivat niin alhaiset, että asiakkaat olivat liian houkuttelevia sivuuttamaan ne. Lähes vuosikymmenen PROMINEE-palveluiden® tarjoamisen jälkeen (we are approaching the 10th anniversary of this website): the customers are starting to understand that they have been paying too much for some services. The debacles of some expensive competitors prove that very high priced operators are not a guarantee of trust & luotettavuus. ... Read more
Barbados sanoo: ”Ei” henkiseen omaisuuteen
Belizen jälkeen, Barbados on seuraava maa, joka muuttaa IBC: n ja ISRL: n omaisuussääntöjään (Kansainvälinen yhteiskunta, jolla on rajoitettu vastuu). IBC:t ja ISRL:t poistetaan käytöstä 30. kesäkuuta 2021, ja kaikki yritykset muunnetaan RBC: ksi (Säännölliset Barbados-yritykset). This was done under the pressure of the OECD and the EU Code of Conduct Group. If you want to re-domicile your Barbados company: ota meihin yhteyttä.
Belizen IBC: t kiellettiin olemasta holdingyhtiöitä
Ei ole kovin yllättävää, että Belize ampuu edelleen itseään jalkaan. Se todennäköisesti osoittaa, että tämä lainkäyttöalue on juuri rahojesi jälkeen (ja he eivät välitä palvella sinua). Kahdessa asetuksessa (vanhentunut 2018 ja 2019), Hallitus on kieltänyt: kaikki IBC: t, joilla on immateriaalioikeuksia (!) all IBCs from being holding companies (holding shares of other companies). Penalty is: US$25,000 for the first offence, and US$100,000 for any subsequent one. If your IBC is a shareholder of any other company in the world: you are committing an offence. If you want to re-domicile your Belize ... Read more