Author: Prominee
Rush of Nevada corporations to Wyoming: the mystery has been solved!
We saw in the year 2015 that a rush of companies from Nevada transferred to Wyoming. We found out why in 2 blog posts entitled: The Nevada Corporation is Officially Dead : in 2015 the annual Business License fee was jacked up from US$200 to US$500 (a 150% increase!), making it the most expensive state to maintain a company. Nevada Business License : even worse, in 2009 the Nevada Secretary of State now requires everyone who has never filed a Nevada business license will now have to pay ALL the years back, plus late fees! So that explains why the number ... Olvass tovább
Wyoming Business Database: some great facts!
The Secretary of State of Wyoming made available for download their complete business entity database. We downloaded this data, and input it into a Database Management System (DBMS) called MySQL, therefore we are able to make some interesting queries (& discoveries). The very first filling made in Wyoming was for: a “United Presbyterian Church” in 1871 as a Nonprofit Corporation (Religious).The second filling was 4 years later: for the “Independent Order of Odd Fellows, Cheyenne Lodge Number One” in 1875 as a Nonprofit Corporation (Mutual Benefit). From inception in April 1869 to the 3rd of June 2016: 3,874 domestications or ... Olvass tovább
Domestation VS Folytatás
A Domestication is the transfer of the domicile of incorporation of a company from a jurisdiction of origin to another (new) Domestic jurisdiction of destination. All assets & liabilities are transferred in one single process. In some jurisdictions, the Domestication includes the transfer of the starting date of incorporation; in others, the company is given a new birth date. A Continuance however, is a Domestication which guarantees the lifetime of company since birth, thus the company retains its age. The company just moves and continues its life in the new jurisdiction. In both cases, prior to any Domestication or Continuance, a ... Olvass tovább
Delaware (TÓL TŐL) VS Wyoming (TE) LLC -k számára
Képzeljük el, hogy Delaware és Wyoming is befagyasztja árait az LLC -k megújításáért, hogy menne át a 10 éves időszak?… Úgy van, Delaware az 6 többször drágább, mint Wyoming. Után 10 years you could save US$2500… Ezzel az összeggel, tudsz : vásároljon bélyegeket a küldéshez 5,319 csigapostai postai levelek az Egyesült Államokban (USPS első osztályú díj @ 0,47 USD/bélyeg – 2016 mérték) OR register a domain name for 277 évek (9 USD/év) OR register an US trademark for 111 évek (225 USD/10 év – TEAS Plus) stb.… Order our Delaware to Wyoming Domestication service to start saving!
Brexi & védjegyek: gyorsan kell cselekednie!
While many feel disappointed, shocked, and worried by the tyranny of the majority, all of those EU features can be kept by the UK: free movement of capital, goods, services, & persons will remain (under the EEA or EFTA) without being in the EU Mexico, the US, South Korea, stb., all entered into Free Trade Agreements with the EU, so why not with the UK, and between the UK and those countries? the border between the Republic of Ireland and Northern Ireland do not need to be restored, just like there are no borders between Monaco (being outside of the ... Olvass tovább
LLC Annual Franchise tax in Delaware
When we started to invest in Delaware back in 2002, the annual Franchise Tax for a LLC in Delaware was US$100/year. Now it is standing at US$300/year, and will probably increase in the years to come… We have compiled an history of the Delaware annual franchise tax fees for LLCs below: Competition within the US is fierce, and Delaware is definitely not a good state to start a business in…
Delaware-mítosz (& Hazudik?)
Elképesztő, hogy meddig virágozhat egy mítosz, és meddig terjeszthető igazságként egy hazugság. Talán azért, mert ez egy államból jött, Senki sem ellenőrizte kétszer?… Delaware állam, saját honlapján és azóta 2003 azt állítja, hogy: Miért válassza Delaware-t vállalati otthonának?? More than half a million business entities have their legal home in Delaware including more than 50% of all U.S. publicly-traded companies and 58% of the Fortune 500. While some Fortune 500 companies may have an entity registered in the State of Delaware, this report by back in 2013 clearly ... Olvass tovább
LLC vs vállalatok
Az LLC vs vállalatok közötti vita nehéz lehet egy befektető számára az Egyesült Államokban. Vessünk egy pillantást az LLC-k tendenciájára Delaware államban: Az LLC-k trendje és elfogadása hatalmas.
Maradjon távol a Gambia iCommerceRegistry-től
Elképesztő és nagyon lelkes látni Gambia új kezdeményezésének és modernizációs tervének elindítását, hanem a Látomás 2020 A diktátor csak egy újabb fantázia a befektetők csalogatására és potenciálisan becsapására. Afrikában, A magántulajdon nem védett: Fosztogatás, lefoglalás, és az árulás széles körben elterjedt. When the Union of the Comoros (a small country in South East Africa) were unstable, the Governor of the island of Anjouan started an identical scheme. The aftermath after some years?… He had to flee the Comoros to Bénin in fear of his life: his dictatorship, fake polls results, ... Olvass tovább
The Gambia new Companies Registry
Since August, 2013 the West African country The Gambia launched its new iCommerce Registry of The Gambia. Behind this is the will of Captain Yahya A.J.J.Jammeh, the dictator so called “President of The Gambia”. We do not advise anybody to register a company there. Please see our next post in the Warnings category.