月: 2019年2月
Barbados says “no” to Intellectual Property

After Belize, Barbados is the next country to alter their assets rules for IBCs and ISRLs (International Society with Restricted Liability). IBCs and ISRLs will be phased out on the 30th June 2021, and all companies will be converted into RBC (Regular Barbados Companies). This was done under the pressure of the OECD and the EU Code of Conduct Group. If you want to re-domicile your Barbados company: お問い合わせ.

It is not very surprising that Belize continues to shoot itself in the foot. It probably shows that this jurisdiction is just after your money (and they do not care about serving you). In two regulations (dated 2018 and 2019), the government has banned: all IBCs from holding Intellectual Property (!) all IBCs from being holding companies (holding shares of other companies). Penalty is: US$25,000 for the first offence, and US$100,000 for any subsequent one. If your IBC is a shareholder of any other company in the world: you are committing an offence. If you want to re-domicile your Belize ... 続きを読む