사례 예: 벨리즈의 불법 신탁

때로는 가장 기본적인 법적 구조가 완전히 타락하여 불법적인 것이 될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 벨리즈에서 신탁을 만들고 싶어하는 이 기혼 영국인 부부를 생각해 보십시오. 그들은 면허가 있는 현지 에이전트에게 연락했습니다, 신탁을 만들기 위해 막대한 수수료를 지불했습니다 (7PROMINEE보다 x 배 더 비쌉니다.®). 신탁 증서 초안 작성 기간 동안:…
때로는 가장 기본적인 법적 구조가 완전히 타락하여 불법적인 것이 될 수 있습니다. 예를 들어, 벨리즈에서 신탁을 만들고 싶어하는 이 기혼 영국인 부부를 생각해 보십시오. 그들은 면허가 있는 현지 에이전트에게 연락했습니다, 신탁을 만들기 위해 막대한 수수료를 지불했습니다 (7PROMINEE보다 x 배 더 비쌉니다.®). 신탁 증서 초안 작성 기간 동안:…
Twenty years ago, a Nevis LLC was incorporated and kept all those years until the agent became stupid/greedy/absurd. While the Nevis agent cannot be named, the limit was reached when the agent added this service: Discard all mail received, at a fee of $100 per annum This agent charges US$1,000 for a Nevis LLC incorporation,…
Similar to a holding company: an investment company can open a brokerage account and start investing in the stock markets around the world. If you are in a country that has investment restrictions (economic patriotism), or in which the yearly management is expensive and burdensome: you can outsource and organize it into another country. The…
기업가의 궁극적인 목표는 자신의 회사를 매각하는 것입니다.: 이것은 종종 평생 성취와 현금 일시금으로 은퇴할 수 있는 잠재적 능력을 나타냅니다.. 기업가에서 투자자가 될 수 있습니다 (또 다른 위대한 다음 단계). There is no other way than using a holding company to maximize the future…
The most common use case of our services is to meet a statutory requirement for a specific legal form (this sentence seems so general, but if you want an explanation keep reading). Let’s say that you want to incorporate or create an association. The legal requirement in your country for this type of company is…
From time to time: new customers ask or search for any reviews of PROMINEE®, but they cannot find any. Unfortunately for those new customers, they forget that PROMINEE® is exactly like the provided services: discreet. This leads to the second point: positive feedback is received from happy customers, but if their names cannot be published,…
It is over! The Dominica’s International Business Companies regime is officially abolished from 1st January 2022. Those companies have the option to re-register as a local company (the deadline was 31 12월 2021) and be subject to the Dominica’s local 25% corporate income tax. All the local agents are therefore out of business. The only…
From the 4th June 2022: Indonesia will now be able to certify documents with an Apostille (and also accept such documents). It is paramount for a country to be part of this Convention as it increases commerce and investments.
If you use your US LLC as a shareholder of another non-US company, and this non-US company has a bank account: you have to file a FBAR report every year if that shareholding is equal or more than 50%. The penalty for not filing is US$10,000. You might want to change your structure as soon…
The Wyoming Secretary of State is increasing its prices: from $50 to $60 for the Annual Report ; from $0 to $5 for a change of registered agent ; $10 per Series (at creation time or incorporation time). It was possible to create an unlimited amount of Series before that date: too bad if you…