우리는 저비용 공급자입니다

저비용 모델은 많은 시장에서 확산되고 있습니다: 항공사, 관광, 제조, 주택, 금융, 등…

고객들이 저가 항공사에 대해 의구심을 가졌던 시절이 있었습니다 (안전, 신뢰도, 등). 하지만 10년도 채 되지 않아: 가격이 너무 낮아서 고객들이 너무 매료되어 무시할 수 없었습니다.

거의 10년 동안 PROMINEE® 서비스를 제공한 후 (we are approaching the 10th anniversary of this website): the customers are starting to understand that they have been paying too much for some services.

The debacles of some expensive competitors prove that very high priced operators are not a guarantee of trust & 신뢰도. It is exactly the same with airlines.

Take our Trustee service for example: it is so competitive that even our competitors are doubtful of its existenceBut our low-cost Trustee service is real, and we are using the latest technologies to manage the assets very efficiently.

Why use a spoon to dig a ditch when you can use a bulldozer?… Of course our competitors still want to use the tea spoon (and make you pay a hefty price for it!).