Primer primera: nezakonit Trust v Belizeju

Včasih je najosnovnejša pravna struktura lahko popolnoma izprijena in postane nekaj nezakonitega.
Vzemimo za primer ta poročeni britanski par, ki želi ustvariti sklad v Belizeju. Stopili so v stik z pooblaščenim lokalnim agentom, in plačal visoko pristojbino za ustanovitev sklada (7x-krat dražji od PROMINEE®). V času priprave pogodbe o skrbništvu: the spouses expressed their wish to be able to contribute to the Trust. The licensed local agent in Belize created a chimera: a Trust with 2x Settlors/Grantors! Not only that but they never sent out the signed Deed to their own customers.
For those unaware of this abomination:
A Trust can only have one single Settlor/Grantor!
So this is what you get in Belize from a licensed agent: an expensive sham Trust. Their license is worth $0. Do not count on the IFSC of Belize to clean this up.
The British couple did not renew their Trust maintenance fee, and luckily: they had not contributed a single cent to it.
If you need a Trust: get it right with PROMINEE®. If you think we are too cheap: nothing stops us for charging you seven times more like this rogue service provider from Belize (just ask us to increase our price for you).