Primer primera: od Nevisa do našega sklada
Pred dvajsetimi leti, Nevis LLC je bil ustanovljen in obdržan vsa ta leta, dokler agent ni postal neumen/pohlepen/absurden.
Medtem ko agenta Nevisa ni mogoče imenovati, omejitev je bila dosežena, ko je agent dodal to storitev:
Zavrzite vso prejeto pošto, za plačilo v višini $100 per annum
This agent charges US$1,000 for a Nevis LLC incorporation, then US$700 per year for the maintenance, plus an extra US$100 per year just to throw mail in the trash…
By switching to our Trust service, the customer paid £350 GBP for the first year, and will pay £150 GBP per year for the subsequent years. That is more than US$600 saved by year, or US$6,000 over 10 years.