Tháng: tháng tư 2017

Trump sẽ ảnh hưởng đến các thực thể Hoa Kỳ như thế nào đối với những người không phải là cư dân Hoa Kỳ?

What do LLCs, LLPs, S-Corps, and Partnerships have in common? They are all pass-through entities (simply: not subject to a corporate taxation). Under a new Trump tax proposal, the pass-through entities status will be revoked and will be taxed at a 15% federal tax rate. Such plan will immediately transform all LLCs in the US into a corporation, as federal corporate tax is concerned. This however is to be compensated by switching the US to a territorial tax system. First of all: at the time of writing, these proposals have not been approved nor been passed as a law yet. It ... Read more