Month: 七月 2021
如果您使用美國有限責任公司作為控股公司: 您必須提交 FBAR 報告

If you use your US LLC as a shareholder of another non-US company, and this non-US company has a bank account: you have to file a FBAR report every year if that shareholding is equal or more than 50%. The penalty for not filing is US$10,000. You might want to change your structure as soon as possible to avoid any possible penalty: contact us.
懷俄明州年度報告價格從 7 月 1 日起上漲 2021

懷俄明州國務卿正在提高價格: 從 $50 自 $60 年度報告 ; 從 $0 自 $5 更改註冊代理人 ; $10 每個系列 (在創建時或公司成立時). 在該日期之前可以創建無限數量的系列: too bad if you have missed this opportunity. Our company has just saved $400 because we had created forty Series. The good news is that it is now possible to get a Certificate of Good Standing for a specific Series for a fee of $20 每個系列. Certificate of ... Read more