Month: 四月 2022
案例: an investment company

Similar to a holding company: an investment company can open a brokerage account and start investing in the stock markets around the world. If you are in a country that has investment restrictions (economic patriotism), or in which the yearly management is expensive and burdensome: you can outsource and organize it into another country. The implementation requires two legal entities: a trust and a company (acting as a trustee). The trust will shield away your ownership while still granting you full control over the assets. The trustee company will give you the flexibility and a bundle of two Nominee Shareholders: ... Read more
案例: a holding company

The ultimate goal of an entrepreneur is to sell its own company: this often marks a lifetime achievement and the potential ability to retire with a lump-sum of cash. From an entrepreneur you can become an investor (another great next step). There is no other way than using a holding company to maximize the future investing ability. There are so many great things you can do with a holding company: it gives you more options. Let’s say that you want to change the ownership of the company owned by the holding company, but to do this you have to: go ... Read more
案例: 法定要求

The most common use case of our services is to meet a statutory requirement for a specific legal form (this sentence seems so general, but if you want an explanation keep reading). Let’s say that you want to incorporate or create an association. The legal requirement in your country for this type of company is to have 2 persons, but you are alone. You do not want to involve family member, or you are scared of potential problems in the future, or trusting someone newly met makes you feel uncomfortable. Whatever it is: the fact is that you are alone ... Read more

不時: 新客戶詢問或搜索 PROMINEE® 的任何評論, 但他們找不到任何東西. 不幸的是,對於那些新客戶來說, 他們忘記了PROMINEE®與所提供的服務完全相同: 謹慎. 這就引出了第二點: 從滿意的客戶那裡收到了積極的反饋, 但是如果他們的名字不能公佈, 他們對他人有什麼價值或權威?… 第三點: 在網站上發佈更改名稱的客戶評論違背了目的, 在所有情況下,評論都是毫無意義的. 在接下來的幾個月里: some case examples of problems and their solutions will ... Read more
多米尼克的國際商業公司 (中型散貨箱) 現已廢除
It is over! The Dominica’s International Business Companies regime is officially abolished from 1st January 2022. Those companies have the option to re-register as a local company (the deadline was 31 十二月 2021) and be subject to the Dominica’s local 25% corporate income tax. All the local agents are therefore out of business. The only option available is to the transfer of all assets to another company as soon as possible. You can contact us if you need it. Dominica is a textbook case for the rise and fall of an unstable jurisdiction. It has been reported previously that the ... Read more