Author: Prominee

馬紹爾群島經濟實質法規 (紅細胞沉降率)

You might receive this email for additional compliance: Dear Sir/Madam, Re: ***REDACTED***, ESR Report Confirmation Number ***REDACTED*** Regarding the above referenced ESR Report submitted ***REDACTED***, further information is required to complete our standard due diligence process. Potential false positive matches have been discovered for the individual: ***REDACTED*** These potential false positive matches are persons or entities subject to current national and international trade restrictions or otherwise ineligible to receive services. In order to ensure proper due diligence and observance of trade restrictions, the following must be provided for the individual listed above before the Certificate of Economic Substance Reporting Compliance ... Read more


From 30/MAR/2025 Bangladesh will be able to issue and accept Apostilles! Bangladesh is the second largest economy in South Asia after India.

讓我們談談特拉華州 (截至 2024): 3 要揭穿的神話

The marketing about Delaware is very strong online. It is supposed to be America’s first corporate state, where all the Google and Microsoft of this world are incorporated. So when you need documents you can get them fast and online?… Wrong. Myth #1: all documents are available quickly online When you order any documents by post, you could get (at least?) a copy online: wrongYou do not get anything by email, not even an email confirmation when they are shipped. But there is worse. Myth #2: when you order documents, you get a status update by email or by ... Read more

歐盟如何殺死英屬維爾京群島 (英屬維爾京群島)

Since 2019 the British Virgin Islands (英屬維爾京群島) have adopted the Economic Substance (ES) regulations under the pressure of the European Union (EU). They apply to some specific activities (therelevant activities”) which most people would use the BVI for (ie: holding companies). Any company or limited partnership has to show that either: it has an economic substance in the BVI (ie: local employees and/or local managers) or it is tax residence somewhere else than the BVI. It would make no sense (at least to most people) to hire local employees just for the sole purpose of creating an economic substance ... Read more

如何轉義實益擁有權資訊 (投資促進委員會) 來自美國金融犯罪執法網路 (FinCEN的)?

Starting 1st January 2024: all US registered entities have to declare and identify their Beneficial Ownership to the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN的). What to declare? Any US entity shall declare and identify all Beneficial Owners over 25% (name, residential address, and passport scan should be given). Who needs to declare? Any US entity registered with any Secretary of State is required to declare, and to have an EIN, SSN/ITIN of the owner, or a foreign Tax ID for the declaration. We offer an EIN service if you do not have one. Is there any exemption? Yes, all those ... Read more

英國公司註冊處將費用乘以 3.5

The United Kingdom (UK) companies registrar Companies House will multiply their fees by an average of 3.5 from 1st May 2024, due to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency (ECCT) Act.


A formal email was received from the Russian Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) that our PROMINEE® website has been blocked from Russia. A reference to the decision of the Kungur City Court (Perm Territory) No. 2a-3556/2023 dated 2023-12-25 (on Christmas day?!) has been made but the decision is nowhere to be found (a VPN in Russia is needed to see the court’s website). Why? Without access to the court decision, one can only guess that it could be because PROMINEE® is attached to a company registered in the USA, which ... Read more


從2024年6月5日起,盧安達將能夠簽發和接受海牙認證! 盧安達是非洲清潔的燈塔.


經過幾十年的落後, 通過大使館進行老式和痛苦的合法化: 加拿大最終將從 2024 年 1 月 11 日起執行《海牙海牙認證公約》!


從今天起,中國非常高興地成為海牙海牙認證公約的一部分 (07/2023年11月). 不幸的是,中國海牙認證不是 (還) 印度承認和中國不承認的任何其他國家, 但這很可能會在 (近) 前途.