Soortgelyk aan 'n beheermaatskappy: 'n beleggingsmaatskappy kan 'n makelaarrekening oopmaak en in die aandelemarkte regoor die wêreld begin belê.
As jy in 'n land is wat beleggingsbeperkings het (ekonomiese patriotisme), of waarin die jaarlikse bestuur duur en lastig is: jy kan dit uitkontrakteer en in 'n ander land organiseer.
The implementation requires two legal entities: a trust and a company (acting as a trustee). The trust will shield away your ownership while still granting you full control over the assets. The trustee company will give you the flexibility and a bundle of two Nominee Shareholders: a legal person and a natural person.
Both those two legal entities have a yearly fee, but they can be funded to last 10-20 years. In the best scenario: the investments generate enough cashflow to cover the yearly costs!
With a low-cost provider like PROMINEE®: you have the insurance that you are getting the most competitive prices.