月度归档: 2018年11月

马绍尔群岛共和国 (资源管理接口) 和他们的君主

虽然谈论数字货币不符合本博客的兴趣, 马绍尔群岛共和国很有趣 (因为它是一个很好的司法管辖区). 今年国家通过了: 主权货币法的宣布和颁布 2018. 调查结果: It appears that the President of the Marshall Islands (Hilda Heine) has (unfortunately) been convinced by an Israëli startup (Neema) that the project was a way to get US$30 million into the country’s budget ; With 12 million of the new currency units kept by the government, and distributed ... Read more