
How the EU killed the British Virgin Islands (英属维尔京群岛)

Since 2019 the British Virgin Islands (英属维尔京群岛) have adopted the Economic Substance (ES) regulations under the pressure of the European Union (EU). They apply to some specific activities (这 “relevant activities”) which most people would use the BVI for (ie: holding companies). Any company or limited partnership has to show that either: it has an economic substance in the BVI (ie: local employees and/or local managers) or it is tax residence somewhere else than the BVI. It would make no sense (at least to most people) to hire local employees just for the sole purpose of creating an economic substance ... Read more

How to escape the Beneficial Ownership Information (BOI) from the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN)?

Starting 1st January 2024: all US registered entities have to declare and identify their Beneficial Ownership to the US Financial Crimes Enforcement Network (FinCEN). What to declare? Any US entity shall declare and identify all Beneficial Owners over 25% (name, residential address, and passport scan should be given). Who needs to declare? Any US entity registered with any Secretary of State is required to declare, and to have an EIN, SSN/ITIN of the owner, or a foreign Tax ID for the declaration. We offer an EIN service if you do not have one. Is there any exemption? Yes, all those ... Read more

UK’s Companies House to multiply fees by 3.5

The United Kingdom (UK) companies registrar Companies House will multiply their fees by an average of 3.5 from 1st May 2024, due to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency (ECCT) 行为.

PROMINEE® is banned in Russia

A formal email was received from the Russian Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) that our PROMINEE® website has been blocked from Russia. A reference to the decision of the Kungur City Court (Perm Territory) No. 2a-3556/2023 dated 2023-12-25 (on Christmas day?!) has been made but the decision is nowhere to be found (a VPN in Russia is needed to see the court’s website). Why? Without access to the court decision, one can only guess that it could be because PROMINEE® is attached to a company registered in the USA, which ... Read more

Rwanda joins the Hague Apostille Convention

From 05/JUN/2024 Rwanda will be able to issue and accept Apostilles! Rwanda is a beacon of cleanliness in Africa.

Canada enters the Hague Apostille Convention!

After decades of backward, old fashioned and painful legalizations through embassies: Canada will finally enforce the Apostille Convention of the Hague from 11/JAN/2024!

China is now part of the Hague Apostille Convention

It is with great delight that China is now part of the Hague Apostille convention from today (07/NOV/2023). Unfortunately the Chinese Apostilles are not (yet) recognized by India and any other states not recognized by China, but this will most likely change in the (near) future.

一个案例: 伯利兹的非法信托

有时最基本的法律结构可能会完全堕落成为非法的东西. 以这对已婚英国夫妇为例,他们想在伯利兹建立信托. 他们联系了有执照的当地代理商, 并支付了巨额费用来创建信托 (7比 PROMINEE® 贵 x 倍). 在信托契约起草期间: 配偶表示希望能够为信托基金做出贡献. 伯利兹的持牌本地代理创建了一个嵌合体: 与 2x 委托人/授予人的信托! 不仅如此,他们从未将签署的契约发送给自己的客户. For those unaware ... Read more

一个案例: 从尼维斯到我们的信任

二十年前, 尼维斯有限责任公司成立并保留了这么多年,直到代理人变得愚蠢/贪婪/荒谬. 虽然无法命名尼维斯特工, 代理添加此服务时已达到限制: 丢弃所有收到的邮件, 费用为 $100 per annum This agent charges US$1,000 for a Nevis LLC incorporation, 然后每年 700 美元用于维护, 加上每年额外的 100 美元只是为了将邮件扔进垃圾桶… 通过切换到我们的信托服务, 客户第一年支付 350 英镑, and will pay £150 GBP per year for the subsequent ... Read more

一个案例: 投资公司

类似于控股公司: 投资公司可以开设经纪账户并开始投资世界各地的股票市场. 如果您所在的国家有投资限制 (经济爱国主义), 或者每年的管理费用昂贵且繁琐: 您可以将其外包并组织到另一个国家. The implementation requires two legal entities: a trust and a company (acting as a trustee). The trust will shield away your ownership while still granting you full control over the assets. The trustee company will give you the flexibility and a bundle of two Nominee Shareholders: ... Read more