英属维尔京群岛 (英属维尔京群岛) 是一个落后的管辖区

令人难过的是,在英属维尔京群岛看到 (英属维尔京群岛) 您不能在线搜索公司名称… For this privilege you have to fill a form & 支付 30 美元, send it by snail mail or email and wait for the answer back… 我们在哪里?

在这一天 & age when information is acquired very fast: you will spend less time acquiring knowledge about superconductivity than getting information on a company on the register in the BVI.

The BVI Finance Services Commission (BVIFSC), despite having US$2.8 million in surplus (2014 报告), is not even able to put up an online search facility. Such system would barely cost more than US$10K. That is really appalling.

It turns to a joke when you read that the BVIFSC’s mission statement is to:

  • protect the interests of the general public and market participants.
  • ensure industry compliance with the highest international regulatory standards and best business practices.

BVI = Best Varnished Islands.

Update on 19/MAR/2024: this post was first written on 29/JAN/2017 and as of this day, more than 7 years later, there are still no facilities to conduct an online search of registered companiesAmazing!