From 30/MAR/2025 Bangladesh will be able to issue and accept Apostilles! Bangladesh is the second largest economy in South Asia after India.
From 30/MAR/2025 Bangladesh will be able to issue and accept Apostilles! Bangladesh is the second largest economy in South Asia after India.
The marketing about Delaware is very strong online. It is supposed to be America’s first corporate state, where all the Google and Microsoft of this world are incorporated. So when you need documents you can get them fast and online?… Wrong. Myth #1: all documents are available quickly online When you order any documents by…
Since 2019 the British Virgin Islands (英属维尔京群岛) have adopted the Economic Substance (ES) regulations under the pressure of the European Union (EU). They apply to some specific activities (这 “relevant activities”) which most people would use the BVI for (ie: holding companies). Any company or limited partnership has to show that either: it has an…
The United Kingdom (UK) companies registrar Companies House will multiply their fees by an average of 3.5 from 1st May 2024, due to the Economic Crime and Corporate Transparency (ECCT) 行为.
A formal email was received from the Russian Federal Service for Supervision in the Sphere of Telecom, Information Technologies and Mass Communications (ROSKOMNADZOR) that our PROMINEE® website has been blocked from Russia. A reference to the decision of the Kungur City Court (Perm Territory) No. 2a-3556/2023 dated 2023-12-25 (on Christmas day?!) has been made but…
有时最基本的法律结构可能会完全堕落成为非法的东西. 以这对已婚英国夫妇为例,他们想在伯利兹建立信托. 他们联系了有执照的当地代理商, 并支付了巨额费用来创建信托 (7比 PROMINEE® 贵 x 倍). 在信托契约起草期间:…
二十年前, 尼维斯有限责任公司成立并保留了这么多年,直到代理人变得愚蠢/贪婪/荒谬. 虽然无法命名尼维斯特工, 代理添加此服务时已达到限制: 丢弃所有收到的邮件, 费用为 $100 per annum This agent charges US$1,000 for a Nevis LLC incorporation,…
类似于控股公司: 投资公司可以开设经纪账户并开始投资世界各地的股票市场. 如果您所在的国家有投资限制 (经济爱国主义), 或者每年的管理费用昂贵且繁琐: 您可以将其外包并组织到另一个国家. 这…
企业家的最终目标是出售自己的公司: 这通常标志着一生的成就以及以一次性现金退休的潜在能力. 从企业家你可以成为投资者 (另一个伟大的下一步). 除了使用控股公司来最大化未来,别无他法…
我们服务最常见的用例是满足特定法律形式的法定要求 (这句话似乎很笼统, 但如果你想要解释,请继续阅读). 假设您想要合并或创建一个关联. 您所在国家/地区对此类公司的法律要求是…