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一个案例: 法定要求

我们服务最常见的用例是满足特定法律形式的法定要求 (这句话似乎很笼统, 但如果你想要解释,请继续阅读). 假设您想要合并或创建一个关联. 贵国对此类公司的法律要求是 2 人, 但你一个人. 你不想让家人参与, 或者你害怕将来会出现潜在问题, 或信任新认识的人会让你感到不舒服. 不管是什么: the fact is that you are alone ... Read more


时: 新客户询问或搜索 PROMINEE® 的任何评论, 但他们找不到任何. 不幸的是那些新客户, 他们忘记了 PROMINEE® 与所提供的服务完全一样: 慎重. 这就引出了第二点: 从满意的客户那里收到了积极的反馈, 但如果他们的名字不能公布, 他们对他人有什么价值或权威?… 第三点: 在更改名称的网站上发布客户评论达不到目的, 在所有情况下,评论都是毫无意义的. 在接下来的几个月里: some case examples of problems and their solutions will ... Read more

多米尼克的国际商业公司 (国际商业中心) 现已废除

结束了! 多米尼克的国际商业公司制度从 1 月 1 日起正式废除 2022. 这些公司可以选择重新注册为本地公司 (最后期限是 31 十二月 2021) 并受多米尼克当地 25% 公司所得税. 因此,所有当地代理商都停业了. 唯一可行的选择是尽快将所有资产转移到另一家公司. You can contact us if you need it. 多米尼克是一个不稳定司法管辖区兴衰的教科书案例. It has been reported previously that the ... Read more


自 4 月 1 日起生效 2020: 所有有限责任公司和 IBC 的年维护费从 450 美元增加到 500 美元. 合伙企业和外国海事实体 (FME) 保持不变. 这一增长是由于欧盟向马绍尔群岛推行的《经济实质》法规的合规成本. 谈论主权: 不要对英国脱欧的发生感到惊讶. 毕竟马绍尔群岛不在欧盟范围内,所以很容易在上面行走. 它已经写好了: 文章 4(2) 的 Consolidated on European Union 仅尊重其他会员国. Let’s send a big thank ... Read more

多米尼克背叛投资者并废除 20 年免税

Under the pressure of the OCED and the EU: Dominica abolishes the previously granted 20 years tax exemption to all IBCs. Taxation rate will now be 30% of worldwide profits starting on the 1st January 2022. Full legal reference: 国际商业公司 (Amendment) 行为, 2019, 行为 2 的 2019 http://www.dominica.gov.dm/laws/2019/International Business Companies (Amendment) Act 2019.pdf

The Corporate Transparency Act of 2019, or the end of Anonymous LLCs and Anonymous Corporations in the USA

On its way to the US Senate, this bill (H.R. 2513) will make mandatory the disclosure of beneficial owner(s) of any LLC or Corporation: anybody with more than 25% ownership. Annual reports will be made to FinCEN. The disclosed information will not be publicly available. The data to be disclosed will be: the full legal name ; the date of birth ; the current residential address ; and the current valid passport number (or valid US state driver license number). Exempted entities are: insurances, banks, any SEC regulated entities, churches, or 501(c) non-profit entities. View the full legal text for ... Read more

How to escape or avoid the new Economic Substance (ES) laws or regulations

The worldwide industry of non-resident, low tax or tax neutral companies is panicking: all the big accounting firms (Deloitte, Ernest and Young, KMPG, and PWC) have been overwhelmed by a wave of recent legislation adopted by many jurisdictions at once. The call (shot?) has been made by the European Commission in Brussels regarding the non-cooperative tax jurisdictions. Some people will believe that it targets only small players, and others will believe that it only affects big players. In fact it is targeting every body. The biggest players affected are Chinese companies incorporated in the British Virgin Islands (英属维尔京群岛). Such companies ... Read more

Anguilla adopted Economic Substance regulations

Anguilla has adopted Economic Substance regulations in a very detailed manner.

The Marshall Islands adopted Economic Substance Regulations

The Marshall Islands adopted Economic Substance Regulations applicable from the 1st January 2019. However it is interesting to note that: it applies strictly to relevant activities (distribution and service center business, financing and leasing business, 总部业务, holding company business, 知识产权业务, 海运业务, 银行业务, and insurance business) holding company business is defined as pure equity holding company a pure equity holding company is subject to a reduced economic substance test the entities must provide the relevant information if requested by the Registrar it seems to apply to Master Series LLC only (and not each Series) an entity ... Read more

After having attracted investors and companies : the Isle of Man decides to triple kick them out

Like their flag with three legs: the Isle of Man prepares to triple kick with sanctions all the investors or companies that do not pass their economic substance’s tests.