
伯利兹IBC: 自 4 月 1 日起,费用从 100 美元增加到 200 美元 2016

伯利兹最初是在高度国际竞争的市场中作为低成本司法管辖区: 公司合并市场. 这是那些糟糕的愚人节之一. 根据伯利兹法定文书编号. 11 的 2016 – 国际商业公司 (费用) 法规 2016, 伯利兹国际商业公司的执照费 (中型散货箱) has been increased from US$100 to US$200.

3 在特拉华州处理公司文件需要几个月的时间

特拉华州仅从企业费用中就赚取了 160 亿美元 (2015 报告). 这是马耳他或冰岛的 GDP. 尽管如此, 他们花了 3 几个月来处理发送给公司部门的常规公司文件: 从十月 2016 到一月 2017. If you want a faster proceeding you have to pay an extra US$100 for the 24-hour expedited service (on the top of the US$200 for the filling). For that price you have a new company in Wyoming. Oh yeah, and don’t forget to send your documents by post to the Delaware Division of Corporation, or use ... Read more

伯利兹自相矛盾并陷入困境 1985

因此,伯利兹的大多数 IBC 可能是非法的: §73。(4) 根据本法成立的公司应加盖法团印章,并在公司注册办事处备有印章. (5) 故意违反本节规定的公司将被处以 $25 for each day or part thereof during which the contravention continues, and a director who knowingly permits the contravention is liable to a like penalty. Source: Belize IBC Act. The United Kingdom abolished the practice of mandatory use of company common seals since 1985Strangely enough, in their LLC ... Read more

塞舌尔 IBC 的吸引力较低

这是哲学上的经典, 甚至在一些宗教经文中: “你最大的敌人是你自己“. 就此而言,塞舌尔于 7 月 26 日自行沦陷, 2016, 自11月1日起生效, 2016: 部分 119 该法案要求: an IBC to make an annual declaration that the IBC is keeping accounting records in accordance with the Act and that such records can be made available through its registered agent. 部分 119 该法案要求: every IBC to furnish a return (either in original or scanned copies) in the form of a declaration ... Read more

英属维尔京群岛 (英属维尔京群岛) 是一个落后的管辖区

令人难过的是,在英属维尔京群岛看到 (英属维尔京群岛) 您不能在线搜索公司名称… 要获得此特权,您必须填写表格 & 支付 30 美元, send it by snail mail or email and wait for the answer back… 我们在哪里? 在这一天 & age when information is acquired very fast: you will spend less time acquiring knowledge about superconductivity than getting information on a company on the register in the BVI. The BVI Finance Services Commission (BVIFSC), despite having US$2.8 million in surplus (2014 报告), is not even able to put ... Read more

博特瓦纳的 IFSC 已死, 欢迎 BITC & NBFIRA

博茨瓦纳 IFSC 成立于 2003 死了, 今天只有一个 5 信息完全过时的页面网站已上线. IFSC 的死亡已经在 2010 因为南非限制对内投资,已经是发达的金融中心. 接手的机构是: 国际贸易委员会 (博瓦纳投资 & 贸易中心) for normal trading businesses, and the NBFIRA (Non-Bank Financial Institutions Regulatory Authority) for the Financial services like stockbrokers, funds, & (re)insurances. The IFSC laws were guaranteed until 2020 anyway, so with 3 little years to go, probably no more companies will be attracted. Neighbors such as ... Read more

iCommerceRegistry from the Gambia: we were right

Back in 2014 we (freely) advised to stay away from the iCommerceRegistry of the Gambia. The website is still online but the content is gone with only this red message: “Due to current technical duties iCommerceRegistry is unable to accept any new agents at this time“. In August 2016: Streber published an announcement from the Ministry of Justice of the Gambia confirming the illegitimate operation (this press release is a dead link today). The iCommerceRegistry adventure lasted 2 年 (very short!). This is probably what happened (which is common across Africa): maybe the start of operation was legit, but the Gambia (corrupt) ... Read more

Rush of Nevada corporations to Wyoming: the mystery has been solved!

We saw in the year 2015 that a rush of companies from Nevada transferred to Wyoming. We found out why in 2 blog posts entitled: The Nevada Corporation is Officially Dead : in 2015 the annual Business License fee was jacked up from US$200 to US$500 (a 150% increase!), making it the most expensive state to maintain a company. Nevada Business License : even worse, in 2009 the Nevada Secretary of State now requires everyone who has never filed a Nevada business license will now have to pay ALL the years back, plus late fees! So that explains why the number ... Read more

Wyoming Business Database: some great facts!

The Secretary of State of Wyoming made available for download their complete business entity database. We downloaded this data, and input it into a Database Management System (DBMS) called MySQL, therefore we are able to make some interesting queries (& discoveries). The very first filling made in Wyoming was for: 这 “United Presbyterian Churchin 1871 as a Nonprofit Corporation (Religious).The second filling was 4 years later: for theIndependent Order of Odd Fellows, Cheyenne Lodge Number Onein 1875 as a Nonprofit Corporation (Mutual Benefit). From inception in April 1869 to the 3rd of June 2016: 3,874 domestications or ... Read more


A Domestication is the transfer of the domicile of incorporation of a company from a jurisdiction of origin to another (new) Domestic jurisdiction of destination. All assets & liabilities are transferred in one single process. In some jurisdictions, the Domestication includes the transfer of the starting date of incorporation; in others, the company is given a new birth date. A Continuance however, is a Domestication which guarantees the lifetime of company since birth, thus the company retains its age. The company just moves and continues its life in the new jurisdiction. In both cases, prior to any Domestication or Continuance, 这 ... Read more