Jersey drafts Economic Substance laws

Upcoming laws are to be adopted in Jersey regarding Economic Substance for companies.
Upcoming laws are to be adopted in Jersey regarding Economic Substance for companies.
Taking effect on the 1st January 2019: Guernsey adopted Economic Substance laws.
已经生效: the Cayman Islands adopted laws & 关于经济实质要求的规定.
百慕大被列入采用经济实质制度的司法管辖区名单. 百慕大被许多保险公司使用 (例如: 友邦保险在香港) 为了降低成本并避免股票印花税. Insurance companies already have on the ground staff in Bermuda so this should not be a problem…
巴哈马遵循许多其他司法管辖区,采用实质性的经济存在要求: 活动必须在巴哈马进行.
英属维尔京群岛 (英属维尔京群岛) 采用适用的经济实质要求 1 一月 2019 (现有法人实体有六个月的过渡期) 是否进行以下任何“相关活动”: banking business insurance business fund management business finance and leasing business headquarters business shipping business holding business intellectual property business distribution and service…
毛里求斯正在逐步淘汰其全球商业公司 (GBC) 在 30 六月 2021. 只有一个 GBC 政权会存活下来, 和 2 需要毛里求斯常驻董事, 和一个 15% 公司税率.
The low-cost model is spreading in many markets: airlines, tourism, manufacturing, housing, finance, ETC… There was a time when the customers were doubtful regarding low-cost airlines (safety, reliability, ETC). But within a decade: the prices were so low that the customers were too attracted to ignore them. After almost a decade of offering PROMINEE® services…
After Belize, Barbados is the next country to alter their assets rules for IBCs and ISRLs (International Society with Restricted Liability). IBCs and ISRLs will be phased out on the 30th June 2021, and all companies will be converted into RBC (Regular Barbados Companies). This was done under the pressure of the OECD and the…
It is not very surprising that Belize continues to shoot itself in the foot. It probably shows that this jurisdiction is just after your money (and they do not care about serving you). In two regulations (dated 2018 and 2019), the government has banned: all IBCs from holding Intellectual Property (!) all IBCs from being…